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Help! Help! Help!....

Updated: Feb 11, 2022

It is a big chance that everyone will either be a caregiver sometime in their lifetime, or need the help of a caregiver. Let me tell you that it is not easy. It can be more difficult when you are thrown into the role without any training and very little information about the condition of the person. Today, I am going to focus on dementia caregiving.

First, I would like to applaud the caregivers who are providing in home care for their loved ones who suffer from dementia. It is not an easy job and you should not have to do it alone. As a Geriatric Consultant, I have come in contact with caregivers who say they want help, but do not really want help. It is acceptable for caregivers to vent because this is a way to release frustration, and anger without taking it out on your loved one. On the flip side, it is hard for me to sympathize with a person who will not accept the help that is given and want to continue to complain. Here is a tip. You cannot do this alone. There is no superman or superwoman. Everyone gets to a point in caregiving where they need help. If you do not reach out and get the help then problems can occur.

What are some of these problems?

  1. Caregiver physical health problems

  2. Caregiver mental health problems

  3. Lack of quality care for the person who is suffering from dementia

How can I obtain help? First, you must want help. This means researching services, resources, or reaching out to family/friends. It is true that some family members do not want to participate in the hands on part of caregiving, but there are other ways that family members can play a role. When I provide Comprehensive Assessments for my clients, one part of the assessment is social. I gather information that will help me to determine who and how others within your circle can help in caregiving. Second, if you do not want to do the leg work, hire someone to research resources or services for you. Third, utilize home care. Depending upon the type of insurance that your loved one has will determine any out of pocket cost.

Don't get to the point that you are drowning in stress, anger, and frustration. Reach out for help. This will not only help your loved one, but it will benefit you. If you have reached out for help and did not receive any results, then contact Royalty Senior Service Consulting for a free consultation today. Remember that you can do it!! Be encouraged.

(Written by Tamaria Smith-Gillespie)

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